Photo Gallery: Kayak Angler Rescues Swimming Kitten

A kitten is rescued from a lake by a kayak angler, and it obviously loves fishing!

Photo Gallery: Kayak Angler Rescues Swimming Kitten

The photos showcased here were posted on Facebook by Erik Koffski, an avid angler who was fishing a bass tournament series for kayak anglers in Minnesota. The text below is from his recent post:

This weekend I fished in the Slay Nation Kayak Trail Series Minnesota Stop #5 Southern Minnesota Slay Fest! I had an unexpected companion accompany me through this tournament.

There were six of us anglers floating just offshore in the dark at around 6 a.m. waiting for 6:30 a.m. lines in. While launching our boats, we could hear distant coyotes. While floating out there, we started to hear a yowling from a cat from shore a ways away.

We sat around commenting on this as it continued to make noise repeatedly for almost a half-hour . . . then it stopped. As it got light out, I noticed something small and yowling swimming through the weeds and directly towards me. I tried to meet it halfway and plucked up this scrawny little weed-covered kitten! This poor little guy stayed with me my entire day and helped me fish.

I have never thought that this would be a thing that happened to me, or that I would experience this as an angler. Enjoy these pics of my new fishing buddy.

After posting his unique story and pics, Erik was asked, “Did you keep it?”

“I did bring him home with me,” he wrote. “We are getting him cleaned up and looking to see if he has a home where he belongs first, before we decide if we are keeping him.”

A couple days later, Erik wrote, “Anybody looking to adopt a kitty? Can swim. Loves fishing. He’s cute. PM me . . . seriously, I don't need a cat.”

Enjoy the incredible pics!


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