Video: Can You Guess What’s in This Northern Pike’s Belly?

Fact — the ending of this 1-minute video will surprise you!

Video: Can You Guess What’s in This Northern Pike’s Belly?

I’ve fished for northern pike for nearly 55 years, and I’ve caught thousands of them, everything from small “hammer handles” to fish measuring up to 47 inches. Compared to other species, pike are typically easier to catch because they are aggressive — i.e. willing biters.

Northern pike will eat a wide variety of foods, including each other! They will attack any species of fish that they think they can swallow, and at times their eyes are bigger than their stomach; a few times in my fishing career I’ve noticed a decent-sized pike struggling on the surface, and the reason is it can’t swallow a big meal. It has literally bit off more than it could chew.

In the 1-minute YouTube video below, you’ll see an angler cut into a pike’s belly to examine its contents. I won’t play the role of spoiler. And I will admit my guess was wrong.

What do you think is in the pike’s belly? Whether you’re right or wrong, I do know the ending will surprise you!


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