Vermont fishing regulations change with New Year

Vermont anglers are going to have a number of new fishing opportunities in the New Year.
Vermont fishing regulations change with New Year

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont anglers are going to have a number of new fishing opportunities in the New Year.

Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Patrick Berry says new fishing regulations will expand angling opportunities and help promote open-water fishing.

The new regulations will give opportunities for year-round fishing.

The department says 11 new river sections will have catch-and-release trout fishing with artificial flies or lures outside of the normal trout fishing season, opening more than 70 miles of rivers to year-round trout fishing.

In addition, open water catch-and-release bass fishing will be possible for all lakes, ponds and reservoirs not listed as "seasonally closed waters." The rule does not apply to ice fishing.

Details of the new regulations are available on the department's website.


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