Mouth Calls = More Coyotes

Stuck in an e-caller rut? Give mouth calls a try.

Mouth Calls = More Coyotes

Mouth calls are a super-affordable option to e-callers and are easy to use. Photo: Gordy Krahn

It’s human nature to fall into a calling rut and use the same calls and sequence repeatedly. If it worked once it is bound to work again, right? Maybe, but it is also a sure way to alert coyotes to a possible ruse, especially if you repeatedly hunt the same property. Your electronic caller has an immense collection of sounds, but to really switch it up, consider using mouth-blown calls. You can bet most of your peers are not carrying that tune. Mouth calls produce realistic sounds that are different from the recorded sounds produced by e-callers. And here’s an added benefit: They are super affordable.

Mouth calls can also be combined with the recorded sounds of an e-caller to mix and match messages, and to keep it real. Oftentimes, I combine lung power with digital sounds. This provides a real-time advantage by mixing it up without having to look down at the screen and push multiple buttons. In addition to prey sounds, mouth calls can be used to produce realistic coyote vocalizations, such as barks, yips, whines and howls for more realism.


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